This season has been the most atypical we have ever experienced. We had to face many challenges, but now that many hotels are closing down until 2021 we can only thank out team, the FreshPeople for making it possible.

This season has been the most atypical we have ever experienced. We had to face many challenges. Now that many hotels are closing down until 2021 we can only thank out team, the FreshPeople for making it possible.

Looking back in March the 14th, when everything stopped and we had to close out hotels and stay home, from the very first moment of the lockdown and facing a totally unexpected situation,  we had something very clear. "Our Willingness to Continue". With  a strong urge to move forward, always together, more than ever. 

During those weeks, we made #APauseToprogress and to be more aware of what are those little things that make us happy and motivate us to want to be better every day. If there is one thing that characterises Freshpeople, it is their positive attitude and desire to improve. This pause for growth helped us to reinforce those values that have been ARTIEM's values since its beginnings and that are still very present in every step we take.

Finally, in June we managed to reopen our hotels in Menorca with a gesture of solidarity from #OneRoomOneLife and "Solidary room". We also started the movement #Menorcainyourhands in order to be able to start working together to reactivate the economy of our environment.  From this movement came projects as beautiful as #Menorquikm0, where we made a clear commitment to the local product. 

From then on we wanted to pursue a new goal: nothing less than achieving #EveryoneworkingonJuly1st.  We developed an ambitious plan and involved our collaborators and business associations with the challenge of opening all our hotels before July 1st. In such a way that all permanent and temporary staff could return to work. 

They have been complicated months, where many times all the efforts were not enough, where we have adapted to the so-called new reality and above all where we have learned that the only way to overcome it was together.

The time has arrived to bid farewell to the 2020 Season and we would like to do so with a big THANK YOU:

  •  Thanking all our Guests who visited us this season for their trust and confidence and thanking the rest of our loyal Guests who did not have the chance to visit us- for sharing all their affection with us.
  •  Thanking all members of our Team, the FreshPeople, for their compromise, dedication and big efforts. We have been able to go through these difficult times thanks to their smiles, their attitude and their support.
  •  Thanking our Providers and Stakeholders for their flexibility and their cooperation with us, always trying their very best to be in compliance with the new safety standards.
  •  Thanking all nonprofit Organizations and Volunteers for helping those families in need due to this situation.
  •  To all Entities working for the Travel Industry for supporting the Administration to create new safety nets.
  •  To all Public Services protecting our health & safety.

 From ARTIEM we will maintain alive our Willingness to Continue and we will advance together with ARTIEM Capri in Menorca and with ARTIEM Madrid that are still open.

We wait for you next year!


FreshPeople Make The Difference.